Drop In and Check Us Out

Our Society has photographers of all skill levels and development. Some of our members are novices while others are very experienced. Most of the membership falls some place in between.

Wether you use a film, DSLR, mirrorless camera, a point and shoot or your cell phone, you will fit right in.

Some members do their own colour printing at home whereas others rely solely on photo labs for their printing requirements. We have members who venture into the realms of the creative with black light photography while others make use of the amazing features of Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Lightroom and other editing software to come up with some truly creative work.

With the ability to switch easily between black and white and colour photography we have a great many examples of both realms of photography being utilized to the max.

What we all have in common is a love of the art and science of photography and a willingness to share our skills with our fellow Burnaby Photographic Society members. We enjoy sharing our images and we share in the experiences of taking pictures.

Membership fee:

  • Individual: $70.00

  • Family: $105.00

How to join the club

You can pay by Interac e-Transfer to:


We have set this up for auto-deposit so a password is not needed (some institutions may still request one).

Also cash and cheque can be used.