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Sharon Tenenbaum Session 1

A mini course in Black and White photography tp be presented in three parts.

Building on the B&W presentations already completed with Bob Hansen & John Wilson the 3 or 4 sessions with Sharon Tenenbaum are designed to allow you to receive hans-on feedback for your B&W images. Whether you aim to submit your images for the CAPA Monochrome competition or not maybe you have hit a creative wall on what to do next. Submit 2-3 variations of the same image to obtain constructive feedback. The feedback will also assist in evaluating if your images tell a visual story.

Send your images to Sharon by 2pmMonday 11th for next Mondays meeting at:

Below is the link to the Google folder. Please request people place their 2 files in it. Please name your file with your first and last name and file number i.e. SharonTenenbaum01.XX

People can either place a raw file or jpg, whatever they are more comfortable with, however if it is a jpg, it should be 2000 pixels on the widest side. Please be sure to have images uploaded no later than 2 pm on Monday January 11th.

Note should you have any particular topic in B&W that you would like to have Sharon elaborate on please let me know & we will certainly try & have it included in one of the sessions. For example the next session will spend some time on Abstract in B&W,

January 8

Wildlife Photography presentation

January 18

Presenting techniques